Българска танцова платформа

15-17 May 2020

The Bulgarian Dance Platform is a new initiative of the Antistatic International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance in Sofia. The first edition happened in 2018 and in 2020 it is time for the second edition.

The Bulgarian Dance Platform organizers are inviting you to Sofia, Bulgaria from 15-17 May 2020 to see a collection of 10 works performed by selected independent dance artists, who are exploring the boundaries of choreography and movement and aim to challenge aesthetics and forms. The Bulgarian Dance Platform is willing to create brand new opportunities for Bulgarian artists from all the different genres in the field of contemporary dance and performance beyond the borders of the country.

The Bulgarian Dance Platform takes place in order to encourage the creation and co-production of national and international projects in the field of performing arts, as well as to promote the international exchange between dance artists, performers, and managers.

We will get back soon. The BDP program will be announced later.

Want to take part? Feel free to contact us.
