Special thanks to: Todor Stoyanov (trailer), BADco., Caroline Creutzburg, Ivan Hamarić, Andreja Kulunčić, , Anna Tzini and all those generous outside eyes (Rahel Barra, Fabricio Belzoff, Clara Reiner, Gry Tingskog, Bernhard Siebert, Xavier Le Roy)
In cooperation with Hessischen Theaterakademie and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
The guest-performance is supported by Goethe Institut Bulgarien and National Culture Fund, Bulgaria.
A friendly warning: you may see a head looking at its own ass from afar, tiny, flashing eyes with a dirty look, a stingy mouth that bites and make annoying sounds, one big belly, detached nails, a short dance for the imaginary cat and a kicking robot leg… In “Exploded Goo” Zrinka Užbinec explores the chimeric and montage-like perception of the dancing body, embracing interruptions and glitches in the dance. The performance challenges the perceptions of the dancer’s body. It is an exploded machine, revealing a monstrous body, a body of many, a body in-between.
Zrinka Užbinec is a dancer and performer with interest in choreography. Since 2006, she has been a member of the Zagreb based performance collective BADco. and she has been also one of the coordinators of Experimental Free Scene (ekscena), an independent organization established to promote contemporary dance and other forms of performing arts. Her work experience includes collaborations with many authors and groups, as well as co-authorships of several dance and performance related projects. She has finished an educational course at the Center for Women Studies in Zagreb, and is finalising her studies at MA Choreography and Performance at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Gießen. She holds a degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb.