The Son of a Priest | A woman with a diamond | Self-reliance
11 April, 8 pm, Red House Centre for Culture and Debate
Concept and performance
Christine De Smedt (Belgium)
Artistic support and collaboration
Kristien van den Brande, Bojana Cvejic, Vladimir Miller, Ana Vujanovic
Production les ballets C de la B
10 April: 10 – 14h, Artist Talk
Red House Centre for Culture and Debate
In English.
Until now Christine De Smedt has avoided using her own biography as a source of inspiration. In `Untitled 4` (2012), however, she turns the personal itself into the theme of the performance. What is personal? What relevance does a personal story have for an artistic work? Based on interviews with choreographers she has closely collaborated with about their relationships between life and work, Christine de Smedt draws four choreographic portraits of these artists, who have decisively influenced present-day contemporary dance and still do so. For Antistatic Festival she will perform three of the portraits – “The Son of a Priest” about the British choreographer and dancer Jonathan Burrows, “A woman with a diamond” about Ezster Salamon and “Self-reliance” about Xavier Le Roy. And all the time one remains uncertain: Who’s speaking? Who’s moving? Who’s the author? Who’s talking about whom?
The guest performance is supported by the Embassy of Belgium in Bulgaria.