Home / Без дистанция / Without distance 2018 / Open Call: REAL TIME COMPOSITION A workshop with MARK TOMPKINS

TEACHBACK/ WITHOUT DISTANCE  Educational Platform for Dance Practices and Theories in the frame of  Antistatic International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance 2018

announces an OPEN CALL for

21-22 April 2018, Sofia/ Bulgaria

A workshop with MARK TOMPKINS 

When improvising, each performer is working simultaneously on many different levels of perception: listening, watching, sensing, acting, reacting to one’s self and one’s partners. The art of real time composition resides in each performer’s ability to remain open to the wealth of internal and external impulses, and to receive, process and propose material in an uninterrupted flow of feedback. How to avoid overload, how to stay actively attentive, how to do nothing and still act? These questions are addressed through a series of improvisational games and scores that explore and develop the sensations and perceptions – touch, vision, hearing, weight. To sharpen our inner and outer concentration, we explore the notions of shift, letting go, simultaneous timeactive/passivecenter/support and the roles of performerwitness and spectator

Mark Tompkins is an American dancer, choreographer, singer and teacher. Tompkins moved to France in 1973, and discovered dance with Harry Sheppard. In 1975, he made his first solos and worked with contact improvisation icons Steve Paxton and Lisa Nelson.. In 1983 he founded the Company I.D.A. S Solos, group pieces, concerts that mix dance, music, song, text and video, his way of fabricating unidentified performance objects has become his signature. Fascinated by the frictions and resonances between high and low entertainment, his performances are often inspired by popular forms like cabaret, music-hall, musicals and burlesque. At the same time, his passion for real time composition has led him to collaborate with various dancers. Renowned for his teaching, he travels around the world. In 2008, he received the SACD Choreography Prize for all his work (Society of Dramatic Authors Composers).

Application process:

The workshop is for professional dancers and performers. Priority will be given to applicants from South-East Europe.
Schedule: 21-22 April, 11:00 – 16:00, Red House Centre for Culture and Debate

To apply, please send an email with your bio resume that presents you, your artistic biography and interest in participating in the workshop.

Please, send the e-mail to:
(If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.)

Deadline: 25th March 2018.
(The applications will by answered by 28th March).

For two approved international applicants we offer free accommodation for the days of the workshop as well as reduced tickets for the artistic programme of the 11th Antistatic International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance. The seminar is free of charge for international participants.

Teachback/Without Distance Platform in the frame of 11th Antistatic International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance, (20-30 April 2018), Sofia, is a part of Life Long Burning project, organized by Lokomotiva and Nomad Dance Academy Bulgaria, as representatives of the Nomad Dance Academy Network, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, ”Culture” Programme of Sofia Municipality for 2018, Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Goethe-Institut Bulgarien, Red House Centre for Culture and Debate and Structure Gallery.