Dance Images and Artistic Preferences

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April 4 (Monday) 2011 , The Red House

5.00 p.m , Red hall

Dance Images and Artistic Preferences

by Galina Borisova (Bulgaria)

Book Premiere

This book collects together different opinions, experiences and personal views from many dancers, choreographers and critics, including interviews and discussions of artists who have published their texts in magazines and specialized literature from the early 1960s to the present . The book contains original texts, translated by Angelina Georgieva and Mira Marianova, covering the development of modern and contemporary dance in Europe and America. The texts encompass personal observations and critical texts by Galina Borisova about contemporary dance within the Bulgarian scene after 1989. The texts are aimed at all artists and dancers dealing with contemporary theatrical forms, as well as at a wider audience. Translation: Galina Borisova, Angelina Georgieva, Miroslava Marianova; Editors of translation: Angelina Georgieva, Miroslava Marianova; Photographer: Viktor Vlaesku (Romania); Publisher: New Bulgarian University.

With the financial support of Sofia Culture Programme and Etud Foundation.

In Bulgarian.

Free entrance