15 April / 8 pm / Red House Centre for Culture and Debate, Red Hall

Daniel Kok / diskodanny (Singapore/ Germany)


Choreography/ Performance Daniel Kok Dramaturgy Jorge Gonçalves Text Daniel Kok, Sergiu Matis Producer Fukuen Tang Special Thanks to Peter Stamer, Pierre Rubio, Jan Bolomey Music “Ode to Joy” by L. van Beethoven; “Achupause” by Emptyset Supported by APASS, Nadine, workspacebrussels, PACT Zollverein Essen

In English
Duration: 50 min.

According to the dance artist Daniel Kok Europe needs to be a bit cheered up. Europeans have become impatient and sceptical about the European Project. With no decisive economic recovery in sight – but widespread unemployment, austerity measures and increased immigration fears – the spectre of crisis has cast a long shadow across the continent. But Daniel Kok, resolute in his beliefs in the constitution of Europe, wishes to marshal the community towards a sense of unity. Who better to play the Cheerleader of Europe than the neutral Asian? Hailing from the economic miracle city-state of Singapore, he is Left and Right, East and West, In and Out and shake it all about. The performance promises an utopic finale, complete with confetti. Everyone must be happy in the end.

The performance was nominated for European Dance Award for Young Choreography Prix Jardin d’Europe 2014.

Daniel Kok read BA (Honours) Fine Art & Critical Theory at Goldsmiths College (London). In 2012, Daniel received an MA (Distinction) in Solo/Dance/Authorship (SODA) at the Inter-University Centre for Dance (HZT, Berlin). In 2014, he completed the Advanced Performance and Scenography Studies (APASS) in Brussels. In 2008, he was the laureate of the Young Artist Award from National Arts Council (Singapore). His performances have been successfully presented across Europe and Asia. An avid pole dancer, he won the SG Pole Challenge 2012 and represented Singapore at the International Pole Championships 2013 (Finalist). His contemporary pole dance creation was presented as part of “XChoreografen” (2012) in the Tanz im August / TanzNacht festivals in Berlin a.o.

Without Distance Platform

Warm up with the audience led by Daniel Kok, 7:15 pm, Red House foyer                    Untypical and playful introduction into the subject and the choreography of the performance. After the warm up there will be enough time for the participants for a glass of wine before the show.                     Free entry.



The guest-performance is supported by Goethe-Institut Bulgaria and by the National Arts Council Singapore.


Photo: Christian Glaustickets-blue-2Tickets: 10/ 8 BGN